As part of CallisonRTKL efforts to innovate and revolutionize the way in which the construction and design industries operate they launched a platform to which we could upload all kind of ideas.

My submit involved creating proprietary parametric tools that could help us increase our efficiency and investment of man hours.

I created two basic prototyping tools:

1.- A set of tools for creating context models:

To model existing contexts from Google maps (for sites where there are no existing models available). One tool creates streets, the other one creates buildings, a third one creates the topography and the last one projects everything to the topography.


2.- Capacity studies

This second set of tools creates two types of capacity studies that consider setbacks and height limits. And a second one that considers the same limits and also architectural criteria and program.



Grasshopper is a Rhinoceros plugin. It works as a visual programing interface that allows to automate many design processes.